3x3 Institute



AI Business Processes

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the way we live and work. It is already having a significant impact on companies and the economy, and this impact is only going to grow in the years to come. With AI adoption all business processes will change. Human resources Accounting Customer service IT and information management Legal and compliance Sales Marketing Product development and innovation Operations Supply chain management References: See Also:

Is your business ready to adopt AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to transform businesses and industries. But before jumping on the AI bandwagon, organizations need to thoroughly assess their readiness. Adopting AI requires more than just a desire to automate processes or leverage big data. It necessitates strategic planning and preparation across multiple dimensions of the business. Key areas to assess to determine if your business is ready to adopt AI. Strategy and roadmap for AI adoption.

The AI Roaring 20s

My simple model for how AI roles out is: 20’s will be the time of AI exploration, experimentation and learning. 30’s will be the time of AI adoption. Businesses will be human centric while business functions augment with AI. 40’s will be the time of AI transformation. Businesses will be AI centric while humans act in a peripheral role. 50’s will be the time of AI. AI will be the dominant force in the world.