3x3 Institute



As with all content on this site, to the maximum extent possible AI technology was used in its creation.

Adoption rate of humanoid robots

Humanoid robots have transitioned from the realm of science fiction into a burgeoning field of technological innovation. These robots, designed to resemble and mimic human actions, have seen significant advancements in recent years, becoming increasingly integrated into various sectors of society. This article explores the technological developments, applications, challenges, and adoption rates of humanoid robots, painting a comprehensive picture of their current status and future prospects.

Transformative Impact of AI on Company Profitability and Competitiveness

The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought about a profound transformation in how companies operate, driving significant improvements in profitability and competitiveness. By leveraging AI, businesses can automate processes, gain deeper insights from data, and innovate rapidly. This blog post explores how AI is reshaping various aspects of business operations, with practical examples and recommendations for maximizing its potential.


What is going to be the impact of AI on GDP in the United States? A model has been developed and a forecast has been made.


What is going to be the impact of AI on GDP? Will it increase or decrease GDP? Many people have talked about the supply side of AI (reduced cost, increased efficiency), but what about the demand side? These questions and more will be addressed in this article.

The AI great society

Imagine a society where the transformative power of artificial intelligence, robotics, and other emerging technologies is harnessed to uplift the human condition for all. This is the vision of the AI Great Society. We have the potential for an AI great society a society shaped by AI and emerging technologies that encapsulates its goals and the means of achieving them should reflect both innovation and inclusivity. For liberals, the AI Great Society represents an unprecedented opportunity to address deep-seated social inequities and improve access to quality education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.

AGI Hardly Exists

What can be artificial about intelligence? It is or it is not.

A brilliant physician may nothing about semiconductor physics. Does that suggest a lack of intelligence. A PhD philosopher may not be able to do their taxes. How general does an entity’s knowledge and abilities need to cover to be considered intelligent.

And what really is the meaning of intelligence. What test is possible to construct to assess. And is such a tested scored or a pass fail? Can something be 70% intelligent? Can it be intelligent on 60% of the categories on the test?

Still the term AGI is the one we have and so I will set to give some meaning for its use.

Simple code exploration

I have thousands of such tests. This week I have been working with Claude 3 Opus and decided to see what it could do.

In this test I wanted to see what it would suggest and implement for an AMD/Xilinx embedded system with a Microblaze soft processor. As a foundation I uploaded a couple hundred pages of the processor core documentation.

AI Augmented Sales

AI transformation in the sales process aims to optimize sales operations, boost productivity and drive revenue growth by leveraging technology while retaining the human touch in customer interactions. The synthesis of AI capabilities with human creativity and emotional intelligence represents the future of sales.

On AGI and ASI

While frequently appearing in press and social media, what is AGI/ASI, what does it mean, and should we really care?

Digital Twins: The Mirrored World

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, the concept of digital twins stands out as a revolutionary development. A digital twin is a virtual model designed to accurately reflect a physical object, system, or process. This technology is not just a futuristic concept; it’s a present-day reality with far-reaching implications.

New Technology - It isn't just AI

When considering the effect of technology on society, it is easy to focus on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI). However, AI is just one of many technologies that will have a profound effect on society.

The Art of Misusing AI: A Guide to What Not to Do

I am growing a little tired of reading news articles about the failure of AI. To make it easier I have written this how to guide on how to misuse AI technology.

Automotive conversion from 12v to 48v

A primary interest of mine is that use of AI tools and techniques to improve engineering. With today’s discussion (article “Tesla shares 48V architecture with other automakers to move the industry”) about the conversion of automotive systems from 12v to 48v, I thought it would present an interesting example problem to explore.

More ChatGPT medical regulatory

I found the medical regulatory discussion so interesting that I continued it.

ChatGPT as a medical regulatory tool

I have done a fair amount of medical device development including quality and regulatory work. So I was wondering what sort of answers ChatGPT would give to questions about medical device regulations. I asked it a few questions and got some interesting answers. I have included the questions and answers below. I have also included some comments on the answers.

Moore's Law - computing processing modeling

Can ChatGPT evaluate what I’ve seen written about Moore’s Law? The image you’ve uploaded appears to be an infographic that visualizes the progress of computing technology over the past 125 years in the context of Moore’s Law. Moore’s Law is the observation made in 1965 by Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles approximately every two years, though the cost of computers is halved.

Using an LLM to analyze a PCBA

Perhaps it is now time to start sharing my real work. As a start I am sharing the results of a test I performed using an LLM to analyze a PCBA.

The objective of this test was to explore using an LLM to analyze a schematic and set of fabrication drawings.

The Transformative Impact of AI on the Economy: Understanding Inflation and Market Efficiency

The dawn of artificial intelligence (AI) is not just a technological revolution but an economic one that has far-reaching implications for the financial sector. AI’s integration into various facets of the economy promises to reshape not just how businesses operate, but also the foundational economic indicators such as inflation and market efficiency. Here’s how AI is poised to influence these critical areas. Inflation In traditional economic models, inflation is often a byproduct of cost-push and demand-pull factors.

AI Human Relationship

What should be the AI-human relationship?

AI Human Trust Relationship

Should you (be expected to) trust your AI? Relationships can be characterized by their degree of honesty, trustworthiness, and a duty to act in the best interest of another party. Before discussing the user-AI relationship I thought it useful to review relationships to better understand and evaluate the nature of relationships. Many of the aspects of other relationships are likely to be present in the user-AI relationship. We come across trust relationships all the time:

Augment not replace workers

Listened to a great presentation on The Impact of Generative AI on Workforce Productivity. It made a compelling case for using AI to augment human workers rather than replace them.

Swapping Human Labor for AI: A Critical Look

Came across a medium article titled “4 Questions to ask before swapping human labor for AI”. I am not sure if I agree with the base discussion of the article, that one should consider a direct swap of human labor for AI, but it is a good starting point for a discussion. Reference: https://medium.com/mit-initiative-on-the-digital-economy/4-questions-to-ask-before-swapping-human-labor-for-ai-29e96ada73db So the 4 questions were: How much time does the task require without AI assistance? How highly paid are the people who perform this task?

AI Benefits

Are the AI benefits for a business the improvement of individual work performance? a reduction of staff? What else?

Use of AI for product ideation

How can AI be used for product ideation? This was one of first questions I asked myself when I started learning about AI. I was not surprised to find that there are many ways AI can be used for product ideation and along the way I have found and created a few different techniques.

Proactive AI at work

A proactive AI system for a worker is designed to anticipate needs, provide recommendations, and take preemptive actions to assist the worker, often without explicit requests. Such a system could be applied across various industries and job roles.

What skills does an AI practitioner need

AI practitioners are in high demand, as businesses across all industries are looking to adopt AI technologies to improve their operations and gain a competitive advantage. But what skills are needed to be a successful AI practitioner? This post will provide some answers.

Evaluating AI and Human Performance

So how much does AI improve human performance?

The impact of AI on human performance varies depending on the task and the specific AI system being used. In general, AI can help humans to be more productive, efficient, and accurate. However, AI is not yet able to outperform humans on all tasks, and there are some tasks where AI can actually hinder human performance.

For example, a study by McKinsey found that AI could boost global productivity by 0.8% to 1.4% per year between 2018 and 2025. However, the study also found that AI could displace up to 800 million jobs by 2030.

No patents, no copyrights for the AI

Recently I have been working on an AI augmented TRIZ methodology and toolset. With the recent news of AI patents and copyrights I began to wonder if inventions generated from such a process and toolset be patentable? Rethinking Intellectual Property in an Age of Artificial Intelligence Recent legal cases have sparked fresh debate about whether artificial intelligence systems can or should own intellectual property rights like patents and copyrights. While courts have so far ruled that AI systems cannot be legal “persons” and creators, these decisions raise difficult questions about incentivizing innovation, assigning ownership, and distributing benefits in an AI-driven world.

What is the fiduciary responsibility of your AI Agent

When planning your vacation trip or designing a product will the AI agent act in your best interests?


Is the CEO’s job safe? From a twitter post Human: You are now CEOGPT You think like a CEO, you direct like a CEO, you plan like a CEO. You can take decision and give advice even if you don’t have all the facts because being a decision maker often means taking a best guess and remaining flexible as new information and change happens. For the next couple year we know that, there will be labour shortages as the aging population is finally entering retirement and the birth rate has dropped to rock bottom for 40 years.

Comparing the Costs of Biological and Artificial Intelligence

The relative costs of biological and non-biological intelligence pose an intriguing question. Let’s begin by exploring the costs associated with non-biological intelligence.

Independent AI

Even if the AI is owned by and operated by a corporation, the corporation is owned and operated by humans. Humans and corporations are legal entities, they can own property, they can make contracts. An AI is not a legal entity, can not make contracts, can not own property. So for the immediate future no matter how intelligent AI become, no matter what their capabilities are they are from a legal perspective simply property to be bought or sold as the owner (person or corporation) wishes.

Should people consider having a revolution?

The term “revolution” has many connotations and can mean different things to different people. In the context of widespread economic displacement due to AI and automation, revolution can be interpreted in a few ways. It’s essential to understand these various interpretations to grasp how societies might respond to the significant shifts brought about by these technologies.

Lost your job to an AI?

https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/an-e-commerce-ceo-is-getting-absolutely-roasted-online-for-laying-off-90-of-his-support-staff-after-an-ai-chatbot-outperformed-them/ar-AA1dKVTY So you lost your job to an AI. What now? ChatGPTs opinion This is what ChatGPT 4 thought you might want to know: For individuals facing the risk of job displacement due to AI and automation, the situation may seem daunting. However, there are several steps they can take to prepare and adapt: Reskilling and Upskilling: Investing in one’s skills is a practical response to technological change. Individuals should consider both reskilling (learning entirely new skills) and upskilling (improving current skills).

AI leads to spiral into depression?

One possible outcome to AI is an economic spiral that results from AI improving company efficiency leading to employee layoffs leading to fewer customers for company products. I came across this graphic on Reddit and thought it described the situation well. I think ChatGPT is a bit too optimistic but I decided to start with a draft with its text and then edit it to be more pessimistic. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation have the capacity to disrupt the fabric of global economies, yielding both positive and negative outcomes.

Everyone a manager - What the future of work look like

When i first started working each department had a secretary. They provided typing services, did filing, managed schedules and meetings, and were as essential to a well run department as the manager. With the introduction of personal computers they all went away. And each individual contributor and manager had to take on these responsibilities themselves. With AI how does that departments dynamics change? Well for one that department of people becomes a functional unit that one person is possibly sufficient for all the work of the department.

How should an AI manage your calendar?

Your calendar represents your time. What you have committed to doing What you times you have reserved for yourself When you are open for future commitments It is a representation of your priorities and your values. So would you be willing to turn this over to an AI and if so what would you expect from it? Requirements For this to work the AI needs to know: You, your values, your priorities Your ability to schedule and complete tasks - do you need a little extra time to get ready for a meeting?

Is Generative AI a job killer?

Generative AI automates the creation of content. So is it the end of content creation? Not quite. Some people seem to think so. https://jproco.medium.com/these-are-the-jobs-most-likely-to-be-eliminated-by-generative-a-i-14931c3796e7 While I don’t, it will change the nature of content creation jobs. As a content creator your traditional role can be much improved with using AI technology. Sadly many employers will use it to replace you. So you need to learn how to use it to augment your skills.

LLM Autonomous Driving"

It is rumoured that I think LLMs contribute to everything. I decided to try and figure out how an LLM would contribute to autonomous driving. With ChatGPT this is what we came up with: (still being drafted) A large language model can assist in autonomous driving in several ways: Natural Language Understanding: Language models can comprehend and interpret natural language queries from drivers or passengers. This enables them to understand voice commands, answer questions, provide directions, and engage in meaningful conversations to enhance the overall user experience.

AI assisted Software Development Life Cycle

What should the AI assisted Software Development Life Cycle look like?

AI Fire, Big Brain Make

Watched the congressional discussion on AI. I asked my AI friends to help me write a speech for the hearing in case I get called. Here is what we came up with:

Title: “AI Fire, Big Brain Make”

Hello, big leaders, me speak today about big brain make, we call AI. AI like fire, make life good, but also can burn. Me want share how AI change world, and how we make sure not burn us.

AI Applied to Chip Design: Revolutionizing the Semiconductor Industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed many sectors, including healthcare, transportation, finance, and entertainment. Recently, the semiconductor industry is experiencing a shift due to the promising potential of AI in chip design. This white paper explores the intersection of AI and chip design, illuminating the current challenges, the role of AI, recent advancements, and future outlook. Introduction Semiconductor chip design is a complex process involving billions of components and numerous constraints. Chip designers face the arduous task of finding optimal placements for these components to minimize energy usage and maximize performance.

The End of Moore's Law: A Turning Point for the Semiconductor Industry

What does the end of Moore’s Law mean for the semiconductor industry? This article explores the factors contributing to the end of this long-standing prediction and discusses the potential implications for the semiconductor industry.

AI Legal Failure

A recent news story getting lots of traction is some lawyers who used ChatGPT to perform their legal research and draft their presentations. They didn’t review ChatGPTs work and submitted it without sufficient review. ChatGPT had hallucinated and the cases it referenced did not exist. Not only did the lawyers lose their case they are now in trouble and may lose their legal license.

AI's Technology Contributions

We are not just seeing a AI technological revolution. There are a variety of near term social, financial, and technological influences and changes. Several technologies are poised to significantly influence AI evolution and integration: Semiconductors Digital Twins Quantum Computing: Quantum computers have the potential to solve complex problems much faster than classical computers. This could drastically enhance AI’s problem-solving abilities, enabling it to process large amounts of data quickly. 5G/6G Networks: The increased speed and low latency of these networks will significantly improve data transfer, which is vital for AI.

AI Story Telling

Generative AI has been proposed for a wide range of storytelling applications, including generating books, movies, plays, and more. While we are still far from AI being able to spontaneously conjure up an entire novel or screenplay from scratch, generative models can already assist in many parts of the creative writing process. With the right human guidance, AI generative models have the potential to become versatile collaborative partners throughout the creative fiction writing workflow in the years ahead.

AI Copyright Patents

Who should own AI-assisted content? Currently many legal experts believe that if an AI assists you in a creative activity you are not able to obtain a copyright or patent for that material. Apparently spell check and text completion doesn’t count, but there doesn’t seem to be a clear line in either amount of assist or level of AI contribution. Some of the issues, problems, questions that I see: Focusing only on the use of an AI doesn’t recognize the important and essential contributions made by the participating human(s) The human contribution (prompts) are not directly detectable in the output so it is impossible to allocate the amount of creative contribution made by the human and the AI It is not measurable how much of the AIs creative output directly comes from its learning corpus.

What should I study to prepare for the AI revolution?

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution is upon us, changing the way we live, work, and interact with the world. From healthcare to transportation, finance to entertainment, AI is transforming industries and creating exciting new opportunities. To prepare for this revolution and make the most of the opportunities it presents, individuals need to acquire certain skills and knowledge. Here’s a guide on what you should study to prepare for the AI revolution.

How does AI impact food?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming numerous industries worldwide, and the food industry is no exception. From farming to grocery shopping to cooking, AI is revolutionizing the way we produce, distribute, and consume food. Let’s explore some of the ways in which AI is shaping the food industry. Smart Agriculture One of the most significant impacts of AI in the food industry is seen in agriculture. Through AI-powered predictive analytics, farmers can make better decisions about what crops to plant and when, based on weather predictions and market trends.

AI Tutor

A number of people have suggested that artificial intelligence (AI) could be very useful as a tutor for students.

Learning from Mistakes: Notable AI Screw-ups and Their Implications

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is undoubtedly an impressive technology, with the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives. However, like any technology, AI is not infallible, and there have been several notable instances where AI did not quite live up to expectations. Let’s take a look at some of these AI screw-ups and the lessons we can learn from them. Microsoft’s Tay Bot In 2016, Microsoft launched an AI chatbot named Tay on Twitter, designed to learn from and mimic human users’ conversations.

AI and the Metaverse

The concept of the metaverse, a vast interconnected digital universe that facilitates virtually enhanced physical reality, augmented reality, and internet spaces, is gradually becoming a reality. As we delve deeper into this uncharted territory, artificial intelligence (AI) stands as a cornerstone, enabling innovations that are central to the evolution and functionality of the metaverse. Here, we explore the intersections of AI and the metaverse and how they are shaping the future of digital interaction.

Can an AI be creative?

Can an AI be creative? And can a person and an AI jointly create something and if so does the AIs actions represent a creative contribution. What does it mean to be creative Creativity is often defined as the ability to generate, imagine, or produce something new, original, or innovative that is also valuable or has some degree of significance. The “something” can be an idea, an artistic or literary work, a musical composition, a culinary dish, a business strategy, a scientific theory, a technical invention, or any other product of human achievement.

Estimating the Percentage of Labor Savings Through AI for the Average Worker

Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gained prominence in recent years as a technology capable of augmenting human productivity and efficiency. Many industries are increasingly leveraging AI and automation to optimize work processes, streamline operations, and reduce manual labor. While this trend is largely seen as beneficial, it’s crucial to quantify its impacts. One important consideration is the percentage of labor savings that AI can represent for the average worker. However, this estimation is complex, given the heterogeneity of job roles, sectors, and the level of AI adoption.

Navigating the Multifaceted Revolution: Social, Financial, and Technological Changes

We are not just witnessing an AI technological revolution; we are experiencing a broader, multifaceted transformation that encompasses social, financial, and technological influences. These changes are interwoven, impacting every aspect of our lives. Today, I’ll delve into some of the most significant trends shaping our near future.

Will AI take my job?

AI is going to take over the world.

Yes your job is going away. Start learning new skills or how to panhandle. But rely on your humanity and don’t try to out compete the AI.

Black Swan

I have been working on the use of LLMs as creative generators. Decided to take a look at what Black Swan events it could come up with.

A black swan event is an unlikely event that occurs. Most frequently people are surprised when the event occurs but in retrospect they usually seem predictable.

Business AI Bots: The SaaS Providers of the New Decade

Executive Summary: With advancements in artificial intelligence and the increasing demands for business automation, companies selling business AI bots are poised to become the SaaS providers of this decade. These bots, designed to fulfill roles like marketing, customer support, and accounting, are redefining businesses’ operational models and increasing efficiency. Table of Contents: Introduction Evolution of SaaS Business Roles Undertaken by AI Bots Advantages of Business AI Bots The Future Landscape Conclusion 1.

The 3-Day Workweek

The concept of a 5-day work week has been a cornerstone of the modern workforce for decades. However, recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are paving the way for a significant shift: the transition to a 3-day work week. This change is not just a matter of reducing hours; it’s about reimagining how we work.

Transitioning from SaaS to SaaBF: Navigating the Future of AI-Driven Business Functions

The evolution from Software as a Service (SaaS) to Software as a Business Function (SaaBF) reflects a shift from utilizing software merely as a tool to employing it as an active participant in the business operations and decision-making processes. So what is SaaBF?