3x3 Institute

Should people consider having a revolution?

June 27, 2023

The term “revolution” has many connotations and can mean different things to different people. In the context of widespread economic displacement due to AI and automation, revolution can be interpreted in a few ways. It’s essential to understand these various interpretations to grasp how societies might respond to the significant shifts brought about by these technologies.

Economic Revolution

Economic revolution refers to a fundamental change in the economic structures that govern society. As AI and automation displace jobs and alter industries, individuals, communities, and societies might push for significant shifts in the economic system. This could involve advocating for policies like universal basic income (UBI), which provides all citizens with a fixed income regardless of their employment status, thereby ensuring a safety net amid job displacement. Worker retraining programs are also crucial, as they help displaced workers acquire new skills suited for emerging industries. Increased regulation of AI and automation might also be necessary to protect jobs and ensure that technological advancements benefit the broader society, not just a select few.

For example, predictive models can help understand how different demographics will adapt to new job markets influenced by AI. Policymakers can use these models to design targeted retraining programs that address specific needs of different groups, ensuring a smoother transition for those affected by automation.

Technological Revolution

Another interpretation of revolution is the technological revolution itself. Embracing this revolution involves equipping oneself with the skills needed to thrive in the new economy. This could include upskilling or reskilling through continuous education and training programs, focusing on areas where human skills complement AI, such as creative problem-solving, emotional intelligence, and advanced technical skills. Lifelong learning becomes imperative in a rapidly changing job market. Additionally, starting businesses that leverage AI and automation can create new economic opportunities, drive innovation, and generate employment in novel sectors.

Technological advancements like digital twins can optimize processes and improve efficiency across various industries. For instance, manufacturing companies can use digital twins to predict equipment failures and schedule maintenance proactively, reducing downtime and increasing productivity.

Social Revolution

Social revolution encompasses broader changes in societal attitudes and norms in response to AI and automation. This might involve promoting greater social safety nets to support those displaced by technology. More inclusive economic policies could ensure that the benefits of technological advancements are distributed equitably across society. A shift in attitudes towards work and leisure is also possible, where society might value work-life balance and leisure time more highly, recognizing that automation can handle many mundane tasks, freeing up humans for more fulfilling activities.

Modeling the impact of policies like UBI can provide insights into their effectiveness and long-term benefits. For example, simulations can show how UBI might improve societal stability and economic resilience by providing a financial safety net for all citizens.

The Importance of Peaceful and Constructive Approaches

While some might interpret “revolution” as a call for confrontational or disruptive actions, it’s crucial to note that peaceful and constructive approaches are generally more effective in bringing about lasting change. Dialogue, advocacy, and collaboration between different sectors of society—including workers, employers, educators, governments, and tech companies—will be essential in navigating the changes brought by AI and automation. For example, forming partnerships between educational institutions and industries can help design curricula that prepare students for future job markets. Governments can work with tech companies to develop regulations that promote ethical AI usage while fostering innovation.

Harnessing Opportunities While Mitigating Downsides

It’s worth remembering that while AI and automation pose significant challenges, they also offer opportunities for improving productivity, solving complex problems, and enhancing the quality of life. The goal should be to harness these benefits while mitigating the downsides. For instance, AI can revolutionize healthcare by providing predictive analytics for disease prevention and personalized treatment plans, significantly improving patient outcomes. In agriculture, automation can optimize crop yields and reduce waste, contributing to food security.

The Role of Universal Basic Income

One of the most debated solutions in the context of an economic revolution is the implementation of Universal Basic Income (UBI). UBI can provide financial stability to individuals in a rapidly changing job market, ensuring that everyone has a basic level of income to meet their needs. This financial security can encourage entrepreneurship and innovation, as people have the freedom to pursue creative and entrepreneurial ventures without the fear of financial ruin. Pilot programs and studies on UBI can provide valuable insights into its effectiveness and impact on society.

Lifelong Learning and Skill Development

The importance of lifelong learning cannot be overstated in the face of technological advancements. Governments and educational institutions must emphasize continuous education and skill development. This can include online courses, vocational training, and certification programs tailored to the needs of the modern economy. Employers also have a role to play in providing on-the-job training and opportunities for skill enhancement to their workforce.


In conclusion, considering a revolution in response to the changes brought by AI and automation involves exploring various dimensions—economic, technological, and social. By advocating for policies like UBI, embracing lifelong learning, and promoting inclusive economic policies, we can navigate these changes constructively. Peaceful and collaborative approaches will be crucial in ensuring that the benefits of AI and automation are widely shared, while their challenges are effectively managed. The future holds immense potential, and by preparing today, we can create a society where technology enhances human well-being and prosperity.

Revolution doesn’t have to mean upheaval and chaos. It can be about thoughtful, proactive change that leverages the best of human ingenuity and technological advancement to create a better world for all.