3x3 Institute

AI assisted Software Development Life Cycle

June 19, 2023

What should the AI assisted Software Development Life Cycle look like?


The component steps don’t change when AI augmentation is used.

  1. Brainstorm, set goals, and identify risks
  2. Requirements analysis, feasibility studies, and project planning
  3. Design mock-ups
  4. Write code
  5. Test product
  6. Launch product
  7. Maintenance and operations

The AI-assisted Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is an enhanced approach to the traditional SDLC that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques to improve various stages of the development process. This approach aims to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and optimize the overall software quality. The AI-assisted SDLC consists of the following stages:

  1. Requirement gathering and analysis: AI can assist in extracting, analyzing, and organizing information from various sources (e.g., documents, user feedback) to identify software requirements. Natural language processing (NLP) techniques can be used to identify and interpret requirements expressed in natural language, making it easier to create well-defined specifications.

  2. Design: AI can be used to suggest optimal design patterns, generate user interface mockups, and identify potential issues before implementation. AI algorithms can analyze existing designs to identify commonly used components and recommend reusable components to improve efficiency and maintainability.

  3. Implementation: AI-driven code generation tools can create basic code structures, reducing development time and minimizing human error. Additionally, AI-based code completion tools can help developers write code more efficiently by providing context-aware suggestions.

  4. Testing: AI can help automate the testing process, enabling faster detection of defects and reducing human effort. Techniques like property-based testing, model-based testing, and ML-driven test generation can help create more comprehensive and effective test suites.

  5. Deployment: AI can assist in identifying the best deployment strategies, configurations, and environments for the software. For instance, ML models can predict resource utilization and performance, enabling more informed decisions on resource allocation and scaling.

  6. Maintenance: AI-driven monitoring and analytics tools can detect anomalies and potential issues in real-time, helping developers address problems before they escalate. AI can also be used to suggest improvements, optimizations, and refactorings to maintain the software’s quality and performance over time.

  7. Evolution: AI can assist in identifying new features, enhancements, or adjustments needed to keep the software aligned with evolving user needs and market trends. By analyzing user feedback and usage patterns, AI can provide valuable insights to inform the software’s future development.

In summary, AI-assisted SDLC can improve the efficiency and quality of software development by automating tasks, providing insights and recommendations, and optimizing various stages of the process. This innovative approach has the potential to transform the way software is developed and maintained in the future.

Even though a well conducted AI process is likely to begin with a better system design and specification it is not a reason to return to a Waterfall model. In some ways since an AI can go through a development cycle much faster than humans such a slow-moving model is counter to AI assisted development.

Waterfall Methodology

Waterfall methodology, which is a linear and sequential approach to software development, can be used for AI-assisted software development projects. However, there are some potential challenges and limitations that should be considered before adopting the Waterfall approach for such projects:

  1. Lack of flexibility: AI projects often involve uncertainty and changing requirements. The rigid structure of the Waterfall methodology makes it difficult to accommodate these changes once the development process has begun.

  2. Late feedback: In the Waterfall approach, testing and validation typically occur late in the development process. This can delay the identification of issues in AI models or algorithms, leading to increased time and effort to address these issues.

  3. Longer time to market: Waterfall projects follow a linear sequence of phases, which means that the working software is only available at the end of the development process. This can result in longer time to market for AI-assisted software, compared to Agile methodologies that prioritize incremental delivery.

  4. Inadequate collaboration: AI projects often require collaboration between cross-functional teams, including data scientists, software engineers, and domain experts. The Waterfall approach’s siloed nature may limit effective communication and collaboration between these teams.

  5. Risk management challenges: The sequential nature of the Waterfall methodology may lead to increased risks, as issues identified late in the development process can have significant consequences and require extensive rework.

Despite these challenges, there are scenarios where the Waterfall methodology can be suitable for AI-assisted software development projects:

  1. Well-defined requirements: If the AI project has clear, stable, and well-defined requirements from the beginning, the Waterfall methodology can be a suitable choice.

  2. Limited scope and complexity: In cases where the AI project’s scope and complexity are limited, the Waterfall approach can provide a structured and straightforward development process.

  3. Regulatory requirements: For projects subject to strict regulatory requirements or compliance standards, the Waterfall methodology can be beneficial due to its structured documentation and clear project milestones.

In summary, the Waterfall methodology can be used for AI-assisted software development projects, but it may not be the best fit for all scenarios due to its rigid structure and limitations. Agile methodologies, which provide greater flexibility, collaboration, and iterative development, can often be a better choice for AI projects that involve uncertainty and evolving requirements.

AGILE Methodology

Using Agile methodology with an AI-assisted software development project can be highly beneficial. Agile emphasizes iterative and incremental development, which can complement the dynamic and evolving nature of AI and machine learning projects. Here are some reasons why Agile is a suitable choice for AI-assisted software development:

  1. Adaptability: AI projects often involve uncertainty, and requirements may change as the project progresses. Agile allows for better adaptation to these changes by emphasizing flexibility, continuous feedback, and iterative development.

  2. Collaboration: Agile methodologies promote close collaboration between cross-functional teams, including data scientists, software engineers, and domain experts. This close collaboration can help address the unique challenges of AI projects more effectively.

  3. Rapid delivery: Agile focuses on delivering working software in short, incremental sprints. This allows stakeholders to see the progress of AI-based features quickly and provide feedback, helping the development team make necessary adjustments in a timely manner.

  4. Continuous learning: AI projects often involve experimenting with different algorithms, models, and techniques. The iterative nature of Agile allows developers to learn from each sprint, refine their approach, and improve the AI solution as the project progresses.

  5. Risk management: Agile’s iterative approach helps manage risks in AI projects by identifying issues early and allowing the team to address them promptly. This reduces the likelihood of major setbacks during the development process.

  6. Emphasis on quality: Agile methodologies emphasize continuous integration, testing, and delivery. This focus on quality assurance helps ensure the AI solution meets the desired level of performance and reliability.

  7. Customer-centric approach: Agile methodologies prioritize customer satisfaction and value delivery. By incorporating AI-assisted software development, the team can better address customer needs, providing more accurate, personalized, and efficient solutions.

However, it’s essential to note that successfully implementing Agile in AI-assisted software development projects requires clear communication, planning, and collaboration among team members. The team should also be prepared to handle the unique challenges that AI projects can present, such as data collection, model training, and performance tuning.

In conclusion, using Agile methodology for AI-assisted software development projects can be an effective approach, given its adaptability, collaboration, and iterative nature, which aligns well with the complex and evolving nature of AI projects.

Spiral Methodology

The Spiral model is another approach to software development that can be effectively applied to AI-assisted software development projects. The Spiral model combines elements of both Waterfall and Agile methodologies, emphasizing iterative development, risk management, and flexibility. It is particularly well-suited for complex and large-scale projects. The Spiral model consists of four quadrants or phases, which are repeated in iterations (spirals) throughout the project:

  1. Identify objectives, alternatives, and constraints: This phase involves gathering requirements, understanding the problem, and identifying possible solutions or alternatives. For AI projects, this could include selecting appropriate algorithms, data sources, and defining performance metrics.

  2. Evaluate alternatives and identify risks: In this phase, potential solutions are analyzed, and risks associated with each alternative are identified. AI projects often involve uncertainties and challenges, such as data quality, model performance, and algorithm selection, making risk assessment a crucial aspect.

  3. Develop and test the solution: The selected alternative is developed and tested during this phase. For AI projects, this might involve developing the AI models, training them on the data, and validating their performance. The iterative nature of the Spiral model allows for continuous refinement and improvement of the AI solution.

  4. Plan the next iteration: Based on the results and feedback from the previous iteration, the team plans the next spiral, addressing any identified risks and incorporating any changes in requirements or objectives. The Spiral model offers several advantages for AI-assisted software development projects:

  5. Flexibility: The iterative approach allows for continuous improvement, accommodating changes in requirements, and adapting to new insights gained during the development process.

  6. Risk management: The Spiral model emphasizes risk assessment and mitigation, making it well-suited for AI projects that often involve uncertainties and challenges.

  7. Incremental delivery: Similar to Agile methodologies, the Spiral model allows for incremental delivery of working software, providing stakeholders with visibility into the project’s progress and enabling faster feedback.

  8. Strong collaboration: The Spiral model promotes collaboration between cross-functional teams, including data scientists, software engineers, and domain experts, fostering effective communication and addressing the unique challenges of AI projects.

In conclusion, the Spiral model can be a suitable choice for AI-assisted software development projects, especially for large-scale and complex projects that require iterative development, flexibility, and robust risk management.


When implementing an AI-augmented development methodology, every phase of the project is impacted in some way, as AI technologies can provide valuable insights, automation, and efficiency improvements across the entire software development life cycle. Below, we expand on how AI affects each phase of a typical software development project:

  1. Brainstorming, setting goals, and identifying risks: During the initial brainstorming phase, AI can be used to analyze historical data, user feedback, and market trends to identify potential opportunities, set realistic goals, and anticipate potential risks. AI can also help in prioritizing features and aligning them with the project’s objectives.

  2. Requirements analysis, feasibility studies, and project planning: AI technologies can assist in extracting, analyzing, and organizing information from various sources (e.g., documents, user feedback) to identify software requirements. Natural language processing (NLP) techniques can be employed to interpret requirements expressed in natural language, facilitating the creation of well-defined specifications. AI can also contribute to feasibility studies by analyzing available resources, budget constraints, and potential technological limitations.

  3. Design mock-ups: AI can be used to suggest optimal design patterns, generate user interface mock-ups, and identify potential issues before implementation. AI algorithms can analyze existing designs to identify commonly used components and recommend reusable components to improve efficiency and maintainability.

  4. Writing code: AI-driven code generation tools can create basic code structures, reducing development time and minimizing human error. Additionally, AI-based code completion tools can help developers write code more efficiently by providing context-aware suggestions. AI can also analyze existing codebases to identify opportunities for refactoring or optimization.

  5. Testing product: AI can help automate the testing process, enabling faster detection of defects and reducing human effort. Techniques like property-based testing, model-based testing, and ML-driven test generation can help create more comprehensive and effective test suites. AI can also identify patterns in software defects, allowing developers to anticipate and prevent potential issues.

  6. Launching product: AI can assist in identifying the best deployment strategies, configurations, and environments for the software. For instance, ML models can predict resource utilization and performance, enabling more informed decisions on resource allocation and scaling. AI can also help in developing launch strategies, analyzing user feedback, and monitoring initial performance.

  7. Maintenance and operations: AI-driven monitoring and analytics tools can detect anomalies and potential issues in real-time, helping developers address problems before they escalate. AI can also be used to suggest improvements, optimizations, and refactorings to maintain the software’s quality and performance over time. In addition, AI can analyze user feedback and usage patterns to inform the software’s future development.

In conclusion, the integration of AI technologies into the software development process has the potential to revolutionize every phase of a project. By automating tasks, providing valuable insights and recommendations, and enhancing efficiency, AI-augmented development methodologies can streamline the entire life cycle, ultimately leading to higher-quality software and improved productivity.

The number of developers required for an AI-augmented software development process depends on various factors, such as the project’s complexity, the AI tools and techniques employed, and the experience of the development team. It is difficult to provide a specific number or percentage reduction in developers, as the impact of AI assistance will vary from one project to another.

However, AI-assisted software development can undoubtedly increase the efficiency and productivity of the development process, potentially reducing the required number of developers. Here are some ways AI can contribute to this:

  1. Automation: AI can automate repetitive tasks, such as code generation, testing, and bug detection, allowing developers to focus on more complex and creative aspects of the project.

  2. Improved decision-making: AI can provide insights and recommendations for design patterns, architecture, and other development decisions, reducing the time spent on research and analysis.

  3. Enhanced collaboration: AI-powered tools can help improve collaboration and communication among team members, streamlining the development process and reducing the need for additional developers.

  4. Faster learning and adaptation: AI can assist in identifying new technologies, libraries, and frameworks, enabling the team to quickly learn and adapt to new trends and best practices.

  5. Improved software quality: By reducing human errors and enhancing the software development process, AI can help create higher-quality software, leading to fewer issues and reduced maintenance efforts.

While AI assistance can reduce the number of developers required, it is essential to note that AI is not a complete replacement for human expertise especially in the near-term. Developers will still be needed for tasks that require creativity, problem-solving, and understanding complex business requirements. The goal of AI-assisted software development is to enhance the capabilities of developers and improve overall productivity, rather than eliminating the need for human developers altogether.