3x3 Institute

On AGI and ASI

January 26, 2024

While frequently appearing in press and social media, what is AGI/ASI, what does it mean, and should we really care?

The common definition is that AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) and ASI (Artificial Superintelligence) and represent two different levels of AI development:

There really ar no clear definitions of AGI and ASI, and the terms are often used interchangeably. I thought it worthwhile to explore these terms and their implications based on the likely behaviors and implications.

Indicators of AGI and ASI

While AGI would be comparable to human intelligence in general capabilities, ASI would demonstrate intelligence and abilities far beyond the best human capacities, potentially transforming society in profound ways. The transition from AGI to ASI, often referred to as an intelligence explosion, is a major point of discussion among AI researchers and ethicists. So what are the indicators of AGI and ASI?

Indications of AGI:

Indications of ASI:

Human Benefits of AGI and ASI

Benefits of AGI:

Benefits of ASI:

User scenarios

Ok so what does an integrated AGI and ASI world look like to the average person? In this envisioned future, AGI and ASI don’t just automate tasks; they provide deep, personalized assistance, enhancing every aspect of life by understanding and adapting to individual needs and preferences.

Let’s also include the complete set of new technologies (NT) in this scenario.

Let’s imagine a typical day in a future where AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) and ASI (Artificial Superintelligence) are integrated into daily life. Here’s how they could enhance various aspects of your routine:






Throughout the Day:

Life improvements

The integration of these advanced technologies, including AGI, ASI, robotics, IoT, AR/VR, and others, has the potential to significantly improve various aspects of your life:

Other scenarios


Integrating advanced technologies into a vacation day can transform it into an exceptionally personalized and seamless experience.

In this scenario, technology enhances every aspect of your vacation, making it more comfortable, educational, and enjoyable. It allows for a deep immersion into the local culture and environment while ensuring convenience, health, and safety.

Here’s how a day of your vacation might look with these technologies:


Travel to Destination:



Leisure Activities:



Throughout the Day:


In a future where advanced technologies are seamlessly integrated into everyday life, retirement could be a period of unparalleled comfort, convenience, and new experiences.

In retirement, these technologies not only provide comfort and convenience but also enrich life with new learning opportunities, creative pursuits, and social connections. The focus shifts to personal fulfillment, health, and the joy of exploration, all supported by a network of intelligent technologies designed to adapt to and support your changing needs and desires.

Here’s how a typical day might look for a retired individual:


Leisure Activities:


Health and Wellness:



Throughout the Day:

Hospital visit

In a future where advanced technologies are fully integrated into healthcare, a day in the hospital would be significantly more comfortable, efficient, and effective.

In this scenario, technology not only enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of medical care but also focuses on patient comfort, personalization, and emotional well-being. The integration of these technologies in a hospital setting aims to improve outcomes, reduce the stress of hospitalization, and promote faster recovery.

Here’s what that might look like:


Medical Consultations:


Recovery and Rehabilitation:

Visitor Interaction:


Throughout the Day:


Let’s envision a scenario where advanced technologies are integrated into a disaster response situation, such as in the aftermath of a major earthquake.

In this scenario, technology plays a crucial role in every stage of the disaster response - from early warning systems to rescue, medical care, and eventual recovery and rebuilding. The focus is on saving lives, minimizing suffering, and efficiently restoring normalcy, all achieved through the coordinated efforts of AI, robotics, drones, and other advanced technologies. The integration of these technologies in disaster response can significantly enhance the effectiveness and speed of relief efforts, ultimately leading to better outcomes in crisis situations.

Pre-Disaster Preparation:

Predictive Analytics: AGI systems analyze seismic data and other environmental factors to predict the likelihood of an earthquake, enabling early warnings and preparations.

Immediate Aftermath:

Medical Assistance:

Shelter and Basic Needs:

Infrastructure and Safety:

Communication and Information:

Recovery and Rebuilding:

Environmental conservation

Let’s create a scenario where advanced technologies are integrated into an environmental conservation project, specifically focusing on reforestation and wildlife preservation.

In this scenario, technology enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of environmental conservation efforts. It provides detailed data for informed decision-making, automates labor-intensive tasks like reforestation, and engages the public in environmental stewardship. The synergy between AI, robotics, drones, and community engagement creates a powerful toolset for preserving and restoring natural ecosystems, demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and the health of our planet.

Monitoring and Data Collection:

Reforestation Efforts:

Wildlife Preservation:

Pollution Cleanup:

Community Involvement and Education:

Data Analysis and Policy Development:

Urban renewal / smart city

Consider a scenario where advanced technologies are integrated into a large-scale urban renewal and smart city project. This project aims to revitalize an aging city, making it more sustainable, efficient, and livable.

In this scenario, the transformation into a smart city not only revitalizes the urban area but also creates a sustainable, efficient, and more enjoyable living environment for its residents. The integration of technology in urban planning, infrastructure, and community services enhances the quality of life, reduces environmental impact, and fosters a sense of community and engagement among the city’s inhabitants.

Smart Infrastructure Development:

Energy and Environment:

Waste Management and Recycling:

Water Management:

Social and Community Aspects:

Safety and Security:

Education and Healthcare:


Let’s imagine a scenario where advanced technologies are integrated into the agricultural sector to revolutionize farming practices and food production.

In this scenario, the integration of technology in agriculture leads to more efficient, sustainable, and productive farming practices. It addresses key challenges like water usage, food waste, and environmental impact, while also supporting farmers in managing their crops and livestock more effectively. This technological revolution in agriculture has the potential to significantly improve food security and the overall health of the planet.

Precision Agriculture:

Sustainable Practices:

Vertical and Urban Farming:

Livestock Management:

Food Production and Distribution:

Environmental Monitoring:

Farmer Support and Education:

Personal finance

Let’s create a scenario where advanced technologies are integrated into the field of personal finance management and investment.

In this scenario, technology transforms personal finance and investment into a more accessible, efficient, and secure experience. It empowers individuals to make informed financial decisions, optimize their financial resources, and achieve their financial goals with greater ease and confidence. The integration of these technologies in personal finance management also opens up opportunities for more people to understand and engage in effective financial practices.

Automated Personal Finance Management:

Investment and Wealth Management:

Debt Management and Credit Improvement:

Real-Time Financial Assistance:

Security and Fraud Prevention:

Financial Education and Literacy:

Sustainable and Ethical Investing:


Let’s envision a future scenario where advanced technologies are integrated into child care, enhancing the safety, development, and well-being of children.

In this scenario, technology enhances child care by ensuring safety, promoting healthy development, and providing engaging educational experiences. It also supports parents and caregivers by offering tools for monitoring and interacting with children, even when they can’t be physically present. However, it’s crucial to balance the use of technology with human interaction and ensure that children develop social skills and emotional intelligence in a nurturing environment.

Morning Routine:

Daytime Activities:

Health and Safety:

Social Development:

Parental Involvement:

Evening and Bedtime:

Throughout the Day: