3x3 Institute

AGI Hardly Exists

April 26, 2024

What can be artificial about intelligence? It is or it is not.

A brilliant physician may nothing about semiconductor physics. Does that suggest a lack of intelligence. A PhD philosopher may not be able to do their taxes. How general does an entity’s knowledge and abilities need to cover to be considered intelligent.

And what really is the meaning of intelligence. What test is possible to construct to assess. And is such a tested scored or a pass fail? Can something be 70% intelligent? Can it be intelligent on 60% of the categories on the test?

Still the term AGI is the one we have and so I will set to give some meaning for its use.

The attributes that are commonly considered associated with AGI are:

  1. Learning and Reasoning: The ability to learn from limited data and generalize knowledge to new, unseen situations, much like a human can. This includes the ability to reason abstractly, solve complex problems, and derive new insights without direct human input or guidance.
  2. Adaptability: Flexibility in handling various types of tasks and switching between them without needing retraining. An AGI should be able to adapt its learned knowledge to different domains or radically new problems.
  3. Understanding and Contextualizing: The ability to comprehend complex ideas and contexts, including the nuances of language, emotion, social norms, and cultural implications.
  4. Self-Awareness and Goals: Exhibiting self-awareness and the capability to set, modify, and achieve goals autonomously. This includes understanding its own state and limitations.
  5. Problem-Solving Across Domains: Competence in performing well across a diverse range of fields such as science, arts, languages, and social interactions, without prior specific programming for each domain.
  6. Creativity and Innovation: Demonstrating creativity by generating novel ideas, solutions, artworks, or theories, similarly to or surpassing human performance in these areas.
  7. Emotional and Social Intelligence: Ability to understand and respond to emotional cues, engage in social contexts, and maintain meaningful conversations, reflecting an understanding of human emotions and social protocols.
  8. Ethical and Moral Reasoning: Capable of ethical reasoning and making decisions based on moral considerations, understanding the consequences of its actions in a broader social and ethical context.

The above attributes are not exhaustive, but they provide a starting point for understanding the capabilities and expectations of AGI. It is important to note that the development of an AGI definition is ongoing, but these attributes are commonly cited in discussions on the topic.