3x3 Institute

AI's Technology Contributions

June 13, 2023

We are not just seeing a AI technological revolution. There are a variety of near term social, financial, and technological influences and changes.

Several technologies are poised to significantly influence AI evolution and integration:

Quantum Computing

Quantum computing could exponentially speed up machine learning algorithms. Quantum algorithms like Quantum Support Vector Machine or Quantum Principal Component Analysis can outperform their classical counterparts, leading to faster data analysis and more accurate models. In pharmaceuticals, for example, quantum AI could greatly accelerate the drug discovery process by quickly analyzing molecular structures.

5G/6G Networks

With the high-speed, low-latency capabilities of 5G/6G, AI-powered applications can respond in real-time. For instance, autonomous vehicles need real-time data processing to make split-second decisions. Faster network speeds would facilitate this and make self-driving cars safer.

Edge Computing

With edge computing, AI processing can occur directly on local devices. In smart homes, for example, AI could process voice commands on local devices instead of a central server, improving response times and preserving user privacy.


Blockchain’s transparency can make AI decision-making processes more trustworthy. In healthcare, for example, a blockchain could record every step of an AI’s decision-making process when diagnosing a patient, creating an immutable audit trail.

Neuromorphic Engineering

Neuromorphic chips are designed to mimic the human brain’s structure and efficiency, potentially making AI processing more energy-efficient. Such chips could be used in AI-powered drones, for example, enabling them to process data onboard and make decisions independently, even in remote locations.


Advanced robotics can provide a physical manifestation for AI. In elder care, for instance, AI-powered robots could assist seniors with day-to-day tasks, respond to emergencies, and even provide companionship.

Advanced Sensors and IoT

IoT devices equipped with advanced sensors feed AI systems with real-time, high-quality data. In agriculture, for example, IoT devices can monitor crop conditions and relay this data to an AI, which can then make data-driven farming recommendations.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

AR/VR platforms can create immersive AI-driven experiences. For example, AI could guide a VR training program, adapting the virtual environment in real-time to the learner’s needs.

Advanced Manufacturing

In a smart factory setting, AI can optimize manufacturing processes based on real-time data. For instance, AI could predict maintenance needs, minimizing downtime, and improving productivity.

Bioinformatics and Genomics

AI can help process the large amount of data generated in these fields. In genomics, AI algorithms can aid in identifying patterns in genetic data, potentially uncovering new insights into genetic diseases and their treatments.


We are in the midst of a great semiconductor disruption as the historical “Moore’s Law” increasing desnsity of chips with coincident decrease in cost ends. This change has been going on for some time. Earlier we saw the end of increasing clock rate and that resulted in the growth of multicore processors. We are now seeing the chiplet being one of the paths forward to try and retain as much of the Moore’s Law effects as can be done.

AI technology represents an interesting contribution to semiconductor advancement as it can potentially dramatically reduce the cost of designing chips.

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