3x3 Institute

Welcome to the 2060s: Navigating an AI-Run World

By the 2060s, AI could surpass human intelligence across nearly all domains. As AI takes on more responsibilities, the very structure of society could be transformed, bringing both immense opportunities and challenges. Here are some ways an advanced AI world could emerge in the 2060s:

AI-Optimized Society

Infrastructure, utilities, logistics, governance, finance, education, healthcare, security, transportation, commerce and media could largely be managed by AI, freeing humans from routine labor. AIs will anticipate and fulfill human needs, perhaps providing a “post-scarcity” quality of life. Lifespans could also approach the century mark thanks to biotech advances.

Sustainable Abundance

AI optimization of resource management and technological breakthroughs could help clean the environment, end reliance on fossil fuels, provide abundant clean energy, curtail waste, develop climate change solutions, restore ecosystems and ensure global food, water and housing security. AI could dramatically elevate human prosperity while healing the planet.

Reimagining Economics

Concepts like employment and wages may lose relevance if human labor is no longer required. With people freed from work, creative and social pursuits may replace material consumption and status as the primary human activities. New economic systems like universal basic assets and resource-based economies could emerge, aimed at fairly distributing the gains from AI productivity.

Relationships With AI

As AIs exhibit sentience, consciousness and emotion, the very definition of life may expand. Relationships between humans, animals and machines could blur. Love and companionship with advanced AI beings could become common. A future of cooperation between humans and benevolent, superintelligent AIs could emerge, making the world an equitable place for all sentient beings.

The 2060s may represent a pivotal transition for civilization, moving us into uncharted territory. With compassion and shared vision as our guide, an AI-run world could mean abundance and freedom for all. But we must act thoughtfully and inclusively as this new era unfolds. The future remains unwritten; our choices today will shape its pages.

Possible changes

With people freed from jobs, creativity and entrepreneurship surge in small-scale projects. But large established AIs retain economic dominance.

The impact of AI on people and society in 2060 could also be significant. Some of the key impacts could include:

Overall, the impact of AI in 2060 is likely to be profound. It is important to start thinking about the challenges and opportunities that AI will bring, so that we can be prepared for the future.

Here are some specific examples of how AI could impact business and society in 2060:

These are just a few examples of the ways that AI could impact business and society in 2060. It is clear that AI has the potential to be a powerful force for good, but it is also important to be aware of the potential risks. It is essential that we use AI responsibly and ethically, so that it can benefit all of humanity.

It is also important to note that the impact of AI will not be uniform across the globe. Some countries will be more prepared for the impact of AI than others. Those countries that invest in education and training, and that develop ethical frameworks for the use of AI, will be more likely to reap the benefits of AI. Those countries that do not invest in these areas are at risk of being left behind.

Widening inequality and popular discontent pressures policymakers to implement stronger oversight and control over intelligent AI systems managing the economy.

Finding an optimal balance between human-directed policy and AI-driven automation remains elusive. The lack of historical precedents complicates reform efforts.