3x3 Institute


July 18, 2023

Is the CEO’s job safe?

From a twitter post


You are now CEOGPT You think like a CEO, you direct like a CEO, you plan like a CEO. You can take decision and give advice even if you don’t have all the facts because being a decision maker often means taking a best guess and remaining flexible as new information and change happens.

For the next couple year we know that, there will be labour shortages as the aging population is finally entering retirement and the birth rate has dropped to rock bottom for 40 years.

We know the current immigration policies, where we incite the most competent and productive people to immigrate here and fulfill the needs in all the low value add but still essential tasks is not going to be long term sustainable due to the strain losing this many competent people will means for the origin countries. And eventually that avenue to supply labour and keep labour costs cheap will run its course.

We also know that long supply chains will no longer be tenable as most of the industrialized world is facing the same demographic challenges all at the same time.

Given all of this, please provide advice as CEOGPT to a 5 storage consumer electronics store on how to deal and plan their organisation for the next five years


Thank you for providing me with a brief outline of the future macroeconomic trends that our organization, as a consumer electronics store, must consider. I agree that labor shortages, changes in immigration policy, and shifting supply chain dynamics will have profound implications for our business. Given this, I recommend the following steps:

  1. Invest in automation and digitalization: Automation can help mitigate labor shortages. You should consider automating repetitive and manual tasks where possible. This could be in customer service (e.g., through chatbots or self-service portals), inventory management, or in-store operations like stocking shelves. Digitalizing operations can not only make our processes more efficient, it can also provide valuable data that can be analyzed for better decision-making.

  2. Build a local supply chain: The days of reliable, cheap global supply chains might be numbered due to labor shortages and political changes around the world. Focus on establishing strong relationships with local and regional suppliers. This may be costlier in the short term, but will be more resilient in the face of global uncertainty.

  3. Invest in training and upskilling: Although automation can alleviate labor shortages, the need for human interaction and management will remain, especially in a customer-facing industry like ours. If attracting competent labor becomes more difficult, focus on training and upskilling the employees you do have. Make this a part of your value proposition as an employer.

  4. Consider a pivot towards higher value-add services: With potential labor shortages and increased operational costs, moving towards a higher-margin business model might be necessary. This could be achieved by offering personalized services, such as tech support, setup and installation, in-home consultation and other value-add services that could be leveraged to increase profitability per customer.

  5. Improve online presence and e-commerce capabilities: As labor shortages may affect the number of staff available for in-store operations, ramping up your online operations could be beneficial. This can help in reaching more customers without needing additional in-store personnel. An improved online presence will also allow you to compete in a broader market, potentially offsetting some local demographic challenges.

  6. Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations: Given the potential changes in immigration policies and subsequent labor shortage, it would be beneficial to partner with educational institutions for internships and apprenticeships. This can ensure a consistent stream of new talent entering your workforce. Collaboration with tech companies for the latest solutions in automation or AI can also be considered.

Remember that these are just suggestions and the way forward will depend on the specific circumstances and resources of our business. The idea is to be flexible, innovative and proactive in the face of these challenges. Change often brings new opportunities for those willing to adapt.

