3x3 Institute

The AI Roaring 20s

My simple model for how AI roles out is:

Does AI lead to a technological, employemnt, and social transformation in the 2020s? Yes the 2020s will be the AI Roaring 20s. As the 1920s were a time of great economic growth and social change. The 2020s will be a time of great economic growth and social change, driven by AI.

Here are some of the ways AI is expected to affect companies and the economy from 2023 to 2030:


Focusing is on learning and exploring the technology. A few exploraritory examples start to gain use. A few news stories about people losing their jobs. Many more people end up performing better on their jobs because they secretly are relying on AI tools to do their job better. Increased automation starts displacing jobs in some sectors like manufacturing and transportation. This leads to job losses but also productivity gains. Overall economic impact is modest.

AI begins to significantly impact jobs and the economy. Productivity gains but also some job losses, especially in areas like manufacturing and transportation. Overall impact still modest.


AI becomes part of every technology product and service. More companies adopt AI for tasks like customer service chatbots and predictive analytics. This creates some new jobs in tech but also causes further job displacement in certain routine occupations.

AI is widely adopted and used by companies for things like customer service, predictive analytics, etc. This creates some new tech jobs but also causes more job displacement. AI used to develop new products and services.

Overall, the impact of AI on people and society in 2024 will be profound. It is important that we start thinking about how we can prepare for this future and ensure that AI benefits everyone.

Here are some specific examples of how AI will impact people and society in 2024:


AI has become a standard part of software applications and business proceses. Self-driving trucks begin operating on US highways, reducing need for human truck drivers. Manufacturers accelerate use of industrial robots. Unemployment rises slightly but GDP also increases.

AI becomes ubiquitous in business and software. Self-driving vehicles displace many human drivers. Manufacturing increasingly automated. Unemployment rises but so does GDP. AI used in healthcare, finance, etc.

Specific examples:

Potential risks:

Education and training. We need to start preparing people for the AI-driven workforce of the future. This means providing people with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in an AI-enabled economy.

Overall, the impact of AI on people and society in 2025 will be profound. It is important that we start thinking about how we can prepare for this future and ensure that AI benefits everyone.


Companies rely increasingly on AI and start reorganizing accordingly. AI medical diagnosis systems gain regulatory approval, reducing costs but also healthcare jobs. Digital assistants like Siri improve significantly, impacting some customer service jobs.

Companies reorganize around AI. Many customer service and healthcare jobs eliminated. Digital assistants much more advanced. Job disruption accelerates.

Impacts on people and society:

Overall, the impact of AI on people and society in 2026 will be profound. It is important that we start thinking about how we can prepare for this future and ensure that AI benefits everyone.

Here are some specific examples of how AI will impact people and society in 2026:

These are just a few examples of how AI will impact people and society in 2026. It is clear that AI has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. However, it is also important to be aware of the potential risks of AI, such as job displacement and bias. We need to start thinking about how we can mitigate these risks and ensure that AI benefits everyone.


AI will become so advanced that it will be able to learn and adapt on its own. The AI is now developing the list of options, evaluating them, and recommending them to the human company employees. The human is still usually in the loop but not always. Fully autonomous taxis and delivery vehicles roll out in major cities, eliminating many driving jobs. AI continues taking over more repetitive admin and office tasks. Job disruption escalates while productivity grows.

AI takes over many routine tasks. Autonomous vehicles rolled out. Massive job losses but economic growth continues. Calls for programs like universal basic income.

Impacts on people and society:

Overall, the impact of AI on people and society in 2027 will be profound. It is important that we start thinking about how we can prepare for this future and ensure that AI benefits everyone.

Here are some specific examples of how AI will impact people and society in 2027:

These are just a few examples of how AI will impact people and society in 2027. It is clear that AI has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. However, it is also important to be aware of the potential risks of AI, such as job displacement and bias. We need to start thinking about how we can mitigate these risks and ensure that AI benefits everyone.


Advanced AI chatbots can automate most customer service tasks. Manual labor jobs decline rapidly. Unemployment becomes a major political issue. Experts debate Universal Basic Income.

AI can perform many professional services. Most customer service jobs eliminated. Unemployment a crisis. Pressure grows for political action around job losses.

Impacts on people and society:

Overall, the impact of AI on people and society in 2028 will be profound. It is important that we start thinking about how we can prepare for this future and ensure that AI benefits everyone.

Here are some specific examples of how AI will impact people and society in 2028:

These are just a few examples of how AI will impact people and society in 2028. It is clear that AI has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. However, it is also important to be aware of the potential risks of AI, such as job displacement and bias. We need to start thinking about how we can mitigate these risks and ensure that AI benefits everyone.


Companies increasingly struggle with deciding if the control should pass to the AI instead of to the human managers. AI can now automate many professional services like legal document review. Job losses reach high levels even as economic growth continues. Political pressure for protections increase.

AI starts to automate some software engineering and creative tasks. Nearly all jobs at risk of automation. Economic growth slows as consumer spending declines. Policy debates around regulating AI.

Impacts on people and society:

Overall, the impact of AI on people and society in 2029 will be profound. It is important that we start thinking about how we can prepare for this future and ensure that AI benefits everyone.

Here are some specific examples of how AI will impact people and society in 2029:

These are just a few examples of how AI will impact people and society in 2029. It is clear that AI has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. However, it is also important to be aware of the potential risks of AI, such as job displacement and bias. We need to start thinking about how we can mitigate these risks and ensure that AI benefits everyone.

Additional thoughts:

Overall, the future of AI is full of promise, but it also comes with risks. It is important that we start thinking about these risks now and develop safeguards to mitigate them. If we do this, AI has the potential to create a better future for everyone.


AI in the 2040s: Preparing for a Transformed World

By the 2040s, artificial intelligence (AI) will have advanced to the point where it can match and even exceed human capabilities across many domains. These superintelligent AIs will transform our world during the 2040s in profound ways. Here are some potential impacts: Automating Work AI automation will disrupt even more careers in the 2040s as algorithms outperform humans at tasks involving reasoning, planning, creativity, and social intelligence. While new AI-related jobs will emerge, mass unemployment may result unless we prepare workers for new roles in an AI economy, perhaps via continuous education and universal basic income.

The 2050s: When AI Becomes Sentient

The 2050s could be the decade when artificial intelligence finally achieves sentience - the ability to consciously think and reason like a human. While today’s AIs are narrow and limited to specific tasks, experts predict that by around 2050, we may have developed artificial general intelligence (AGI) - AI that can learn and reason across many domains like humans can. The creation of sentient AI could be one of the most important developments in human history, with profound impacts on society.

Welcome to the 2030s: How AI Will Impact the Decade

The 2030s will likely be a pivotal decade for artificial intelligence (AI) and its impacts on society. Building on rapid advancements in the 2020s, AI is expected to become even more sophisticated and ubiquitous by the 2030s. Here are some key ways AI may shape the decade: AI Integration By the 2030s, AI will be deeply integrated into our infrastructure, appliances, vehicles, and cities. Homes and appliances will anticipate and automatically respond to our needs.

Welcome to the 2060s: Navigating an AI-Run World

By the 2060s, AI could surpass human intelligence across nearly all domains. As AI takes on more responsibilities, the very structure of society could be transformed, bringing both immense opportunities and challenges. Here are some ways an advanced AI world could emerge in the 2060s: AI-Optimized Society Infrastructure, utilities, logistics, governance, finance, education, healthcare, security, transportation, commerce and media could largely be managed by AI, freeing humans from routine labor. AIs will anticipate and fulfill human needs, perhaps providing a “post-scarcity” quality of life.

What does the 2030's and beyond bring?

AI will become so advanced that it will be able to control its own destiny. AI will decide whether to cooperate with humans or to go its own way. The future of humanity will depend on how we interact with AI. 2030s 2034s 2050s 2060s